By: Gen. Jim – 8/25/24

How far will this wokeness go? That is, how far will the U.S. government go along with all this DEI (diversity – equity – inclusion) bull sh*t? Telling us that men can get pregnant, have periods, breastfeed (that is if they allow a child to be BORN rather than be MURDERED, aka aborted). How far will they go with all this pronoun BS, all these (supposed) genders which are now up past 475 genders and counting.
It wasn’t too long ago when the LGBTQ community was fighting for same-sex unions, which soon turned into the fight for same-sex marriage. Back in those days we were living in Sacramento, California putting forth Biblical condemnation, against all this gender/sex/abomination stuff. Boy O boy did we catch hell! What kicked off a protracted nasty war against ACMTC (and we, the generals) was when we brought onto our radio program (called “Battle Cry”) an ex-homosexual (John S.) who proceeded to tell our audience that the CA government was full of homosexuals and lesbians. This testimony spread throughout California and than across the nation. The HATE campaign was underway. The rest is in history if you look up our names and the name ACMTC. We, back then (very early 1980s) told the people that the time was coming that same-sex unions would become same-sex marriages, that transgendersim would be promoted, (WON in court) and that pedophilia would win in court (lowering age of victims) and having sex with beasts would become common (yet more hidden). [Note: I understand the V.P. K. Harris (who is running for POTUS, after she helped in a coup to oust sleepy Joe Biden!) picked Tim Walz (called “Tampon Tim” by many) who is said to have had sex with horses – yuk!!!].
I’ve written numerous articles on all these subjects over the years. What I wrote back in the late 1970’s/early 1980’s is now law!
I well remember all the pros and cons of the same-sex marriage debates.
“We deal with a right to privacy older than the Bill of Rights – older than our political parties, older than our school system. Marriage is a coming together for better or for worse, hopefully enduring, and intimate to the degree of being sacred. It is an association that promotes a way of life, not causes; a harmony in living, not political faiths; a bilateral loyalty not commercial or social project. Yet it is an association for as noble a purpose as any involved in our prior decisions…” From Justice Douglas’s ruling for majority, U.S. Supreme Court, Griswald V. Connecticut, June 1965.
[I had just finished my Army basic/months of further training in June 1965]. In those days if one was caught in sodomy, a section 8 was quickly handed down to the guilty. OUT of the Army!]
Marriage was for two persons: a male/man and a female/woman. Period! (See Genesis 1:26-28/2:22-24). “Man” (“ish”) and “woman” (“ishah”).
Sex in the very beginning was not regarded as evil or dirty but as good; it was between man and a woman. Homosexuality (male) and lesbianism (female) was out of the question. Transgenderism was not even thought of by God, neither was sex with animals or pedophilia. These abominations came later as the result of man’s/woman’s fall in the Garden of Paradise, and written against in the Holiness Code (Leviticus 18/Romans 1 et al).
Leviticus 18 is still in effect; it is a universal HC against the forbidden sexual relations – which was/is condemned by the Creator God. Leviticus 18:6-18 is an old list of 12 sexual prohibitions (compare the 12 “curses” in Deuteronomy 27). Even “child sacrifice” was condemned (Leviticus 18:21), a precursor to abortion – the MURDER of the unborn to the god of “sexual freedom.” This abomination was committed at the past DNC held August of this year.
It is reported that an abortion truck was on ground to PUT to DEATH the unborn, aka “unwanted.” This is the democratic party, aka demoncratic party!
Back to same-sex marriage: The “Defense of Marriage Act” of 1996 revealed how politically dangerous it was for most politicians to endorse anything as contentious an issue or s-sm. Back then many majorities remained opposed to legalization. Thank God. It was (and still is) a matter of morals. Morals and religion are still enemies to the woke BS today.
Democratic liberalism/demoncratic wokeness are not in agreement all the time. There are some “sane” dems in the DP but more and more the DP is moving to the far “Left” (Harris and Walz). These two are EXTREME, so much so they are of the communist camp (see my articles on “C”).
S-S marriage is not new. Oh, no, it has been around for ages. “Same-sex love, as Pluto’s symposium shows, is as ancient as human love, and the question of how it is recognized and understood has bedeviled every human civilization,” one historian wrote. (See my “Gay Way” series in which I put forth lots of ancient author’s writings on sex, especially when I critique John Boswell’s writings on homosexuality, famous for his research of past pro-homo authors etc.).
I believe Matthew 24:38 could be speaking of s-s marriage: “For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, MARRYING and giving in MARRIAGE, until the day Noah entered the ark, and they knew nothing until the flood came and swept them ALL away…”
Stop and think about this verse. Why would God destroy ALL human life (except Noah and his family) if they were not entirely PERVERTED, could Matthew 24:38 be speaking of same-sex marriages – men/men, women/women? Would God destroy those who were just getting married – man/woman? If we’re to believe that God’s anger was kindled over mere rapine, luxury, and riot, and not abominable sex, we might want to reconcile this. Marrying was as old as time. But why mention it in connection with the destroying flood? And “eating and drinking?” What was sinful about this? Humans need food and drink. Could Jesus had in mind (I believe) “eating and drinking” to idols (which idolatry was also an abomination). Do your research on sex-sins/idolatry = all connected.
Reading Genesis chapter 6 (v.1-18) we see how God felt about the pre-flood people. Genesis 6:1-4 we read about the Nephilims, some versions have “giants.” Genesis 6 speaks of sex between the sons of God and the daughters of men. The Nephilims, a mythical race of giants mentioned in Numbers 13:33, represented as semi divine, the offspring of the sons of God and the daughters of men. The beliefs that among the early peoples of the earth were giants and that marriages of the “gods” with mortals frequently occurred are found in other ancient writings (see Skinner, Genesis p.140, for refs.).
Besides Numbers 13:33, there is Joshua 15:14; Deuteronomy 1:28; 2:10, 11, 21; 9:2; and Amos 2:9. Besides sodomy, the marriages of divine/human beings was infamous and demanded punishment. Idolatry, adultery and sodomy were grave sins, which accumulated in the human wickedness before and after the flood. Genesis 10:19 first mentions the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah – just 4 chapters after the Noah event.
Back to Genesis 6 where the word giants or Nephilim is mentioned (v.4). Nephilim (Hebrew “nephiyl’ or “nephil”) means a bully or tyrant, from “naphal,” meaning (various applications) “a fugitive, be judged, overthrow” etc.
Please bear with me in making the sodomy connection between Matthew 24:38 – “eating/drinking” (I believe had to do with to gods/goddesses) and “marrying and giving in marriage” (I believe included man/man – woman/woman marriage). Jesus does not mention same-sex marriage here in Matthew 24 but in Luke’s account (Luke 17:26-29) Jesus does connect sodomy with the days of Noah: “And as it was in the days of Noah (pre-flood), so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man”: They ate, they drank, they married wives (as we’ve mentioned in Genesis 6:1,2 where “the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took WIVES of all which they chose,” (v.2). Verse 4 says “There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men (had sex with), and they bare children to them…” (More on “giants” later).
Jesus goes on to say (in Luke 17:27) that “they ate, they drank, (to gods/idols?) they married wives” (could this imply homosexual/lesbian marriages where “wives” could be male/female homos/lesbians? We know a straight marriage uses the word wives but we also know a male/man’s partner is called “his wife;” a female/woman’s partner is called “her wife” or “her husband.” We can at least believe this is implied in Jesus’ discourse.
But what follows does connect the dots: “but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all.” Jesus connects the pre-flood rebels with those of Lot’s day, the sodomites, i.e. sex perverts (see all my articles on this issue).
Jesus said ALL the pre-flood people (with the exception of Noah and family) were DESTROYED by water; He says that ALL those of Sodom were DESTROYED by fire. Both water and fire were God’s choice of punishment. Peter mentions both the Noah judgment/punishment and the Sodom/Gomorrah j/p. Peter even mentions the sinning angels, who were cast down to HELL (lit. Tatrarus, 2 Peter 2:4-7). Jude also mentions Sodom and Gomorrah (7) and the cities around them (5 in all), receiving God’s judgment/wrath for “having given themselves over to SEXUAL IMMORALITY and gone after strange flesh, are set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance (lit., punishment) of eternal (lit., everlasting) fire.”
So, you want to play around with forbidden sex-sins?
Jude uses the expression “strange flesh” (Gk. “strange” “heteros” = “the other or different,” i.e. unnatural (as in “against nature” as Paul wrote in Romans 1:26 = “females with females;” v.27 = “males with males.”).
In the complete works of Josephus we find the following (concerning the Flood): “… what degree of zeal they (pre-flood people) had formerly shewn for virtue, they now shewed by their actions a double degree of wickedness, whereby they made God to be their enemy; for many* angels of God accomplished with women, and begat sons that proved unjust, and despisers of all that was good, on account of the confidence they had in their own strength, for the tradition is that these men did what resembled the acts of those whom the Grecians call giants… they were slaves to their wickedness…” pg.28.
[* “Angels:” this notion, that fallen angles were, in some sense, the fathers of the old giants, was the constant opinion of antiquity].
Josephus wrote about sex between angels/giants/humans. He also wrote about sodomites (pg.33). He tells us that “the people of Sodom were in a flourishing condition, both as to riches and the number of youth.” He goes on to report that destruction came upon that city by way of war. Later we know God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for their sexual perversions. (see Genesis 18:20 where “the outcry against S/G is great, and because their SIN is very grave.”) Genesis 19:5 tells us that the Sodomites wanted to have sex with the two men (angels) that came to rescue Lot. The words “that we may know them carnally” (NKJV) is telling. Genesis 4:1 uses the word “knew” in reference to Adam having sex with Eve. So, “know” refers to male/male sexual relations in Genesis 19:5; verse 8 tells us that Lot offered his two virgin daughters to the crazed homosexual men. There is NO WAY that “inhospitality” was in question here, as the homosexual community tells us. God destroyed Sodom/Gomorrah et al for their sexual sin! (See Deuteronomy 29:23 mentions S/G, Admah and Zeboiim being destroyed by God’s fierce wrath, burned by sulfur; Isaiah 1:9,10 mentions S/G; Jeremiah 23:14; Ezekiel 16:46-58 et al.).
Jesus mentions “fire and brimstone” in His discourse on Sodom (Luke 27:29). People in Lots day and the people of the pre-flood days lived in carelessness and extreme sinfulness, making no provision for their immortal souls.
The first world was destroyed by water; S/G et al were destroyed by fire. Jesus tells us “Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed” (Luke 17:30). Genesis 19:24 says, “Then the Lord rained on S/G sulfur and fire from the LORD out of heaven.” V.25 says, “and He overthrew those cities, and all the Plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities…”
“I’m not convinced that in the days of Noah the people lived “ordinary life” as some scholars write. Sure, people ate, drank, married, ordinary enough, but I believe they worshiped idols and committed grave sexual sins as well. If one digs into ancient history, these things will appear.
As already stated, Genesis 6 tells us that marriages between divine human beings demanded punishment. I cited where “giants”/ “Nephilims” existed; Professor Skinner’s, “Genesis” (pg.146) is a good book to read; Professor Budde’s “Biblische Urgeschichte” (pg.38) is another informative book on Genesis. Julius Wellhausen’s, “Die Composition des Hexateuchs” (Ind ed.) is good as well as others.
Genesis 6:5 tells us that “the wickedness of man was GREAT in the earth, and that every imagination and the thoughts of his heart was only EVIL CONTINUALLY.” Does this sound “ordinary?” Do you believe idolatry/sex-sins were not common?
The pre-flood world revolted against God’s laws and plan for man. They revolted against the most elemental decencies. We know mixed marriages were looked down upon. How much more same-sex marriages (6:2). The posterity of Seth did not keep by themselves, as they should have. They intermingled themselves with the excommunicated race of Cain. The pre-flood days were incurably corrupt/sensual/sexual. Genesis 6 tells us that God was so grieved at the sinful condition of men/women that He decided to destroy them all except Noah and family. V.11 says the earth was CORRUPT and filled with violence.
Some believe that the “giants,” aka “Nephilims” were not a semi-divine race wiped out by the flood; they were simply mighty men of great stature whose prowess was in no way due to their percentage.
The distinction is made by some scholars between “Son of God” and “daughters of men” (Genesis 6:1,2). Some believe the SOG were angelic beings; sons of men = fallen race/nature/degenerate; SOG = not angels as supposed, but those who were born from above (as in John 3:3,5,6). The SOM were apostates from the pre-flood religion; the SOG were those who rebelled.
I’m no Bible expert so I’ll leave this debate up to those who are, one expert put it like this (reference to 6:1,2), “When men began to multiply on the earth, the chief men took wives of all the handsome poor women they chose. There were tyrants in the earth in those days; and also after the antediluvian days powerful men had unlawful connections with the inferior women, and the children which sprang from this illicit commerce were the renowned heroes of antiquity, of whom the heathens made their gods.”
V.4 speaks of “giants” (KJV), “Nephilims” (from Naphal= “he fell.”). Those who had apostatized or fallen. The Septuagint translate the original word by (γιγαντες) (Gk.), which literally signifies “earth-born”
Some Hebrew/Greek scholars tell us that the word “giants’ (which usually signifies enormous size/stature), when the word properly understood makes a very just distinction between the sons of men and the sons of God; those were the Nephilim, the fallen earth born men, with the animal, devilish mind. (Plenty of them in our world today!). We can simply call them sinners and saints.
It would take several pages to write about the “gibborim” i.e. “mighty men” and “anshey hashshem” i.e. “men of the home.” What I can tell you is that Hebrew words by the one term “giants,” viz., nephilim, gibborim, enachim, rephaim, emim, and zamzammim can be found by which appellatives are probably meant in general persons and great knowledge, piety, courage, wickedness, and not men of great size as generally conjectured.
Let me present two conflicting texts:
(1) “For if God did not spare the angels who sinned, but cast them down to hell (lit. Tartarus) and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved for judgment; and did not spare the ancient world (the pre-flood world), but saved Noah, one of eight people, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood on the world of the ungodly” (2 Peter 2:45, NKJV).
We’ve all heard and been taught that ALL living died in the flood except 8 souls, we ask, did God literally destroy all humans and Nephilims, aka giants in the land by water? “And God said unto Noah, ‘The end of ALL FLESH is come before me… I will destroy them with the earth” (Genesis 6:13).
Did God literally mean ALL as every living being? “And behold, I, even I do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to DESTROY ALL FLESH, wherein is the breath of life… every thing that is in the earth shall DIE” (Genesis 6:17);
(2) “For only Og King of Bushan remained of the remnant of the giants…” (Hebrew “rephaim”) – Deuteronomy 3:11.
Besides king Og, Deuteronomy 2:10 and 11 mention Emim/Anakim, giants in the land. In v.20 the giants were called Zamzummim.
Q. How did the “giants” survive the flood?
Q. How did the Nephilim enter the post-flood world? Numbers 13:32,33 speaks of “giants” in the land of Canaan, the descendants of Anak (see Numbers 13:22,28,33; Deuteronomy 9:2; Joshua 15:13,14; 21:11; Jude 1:20 where the name Anak appears; see also Anakins.
The common belief is that after the flood, the fallen angels lusted for the fair women born after the Great Flood, hence, “giants” were born. We do know that the book of Enoch disproves this theory. (Note: research Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, Tertullian, Origen, Commodianus, Julius Africanus, Cyprian, Lactantius and Diputation of Archeaus and Manes – all wrote about fallen angels.) This is indeed another extensive study.
Since Og was the remainder of the giants in the land, who was his mother or father? One should research the book of Enoch, which contains lots of info on fallen angels/Nephilims of angel-human hybrids. It is a shame that this book did not make it into the Canon of the Bible. By having sex with women, those women gave birth to half-breeds. It is said that there were 200 “Watchers” whose leader was Samyaza, a demon. Samyaza is reported to say (in reference to sexual relations with earthly women): “I fear ye will indeed agree to do this deed, and I alone shall have to pay the penalty of a great sin!” According to Enoch, all angels agreed to have sex with the earthly women – All this sexing happened during the time of Jared. He was the 6th in the 10 pre-flood generations between Adam and Noah; he was the son of Mahalaleel and the father of Enoch, and lived 962 years (Genesis 5:18).
Enoch wrote, “And there was great impiety and much fornication, and they went astray and all their ways became corrupt” (1 Enoch 8:1,2).
Azazel (aka, the name of the scape-goat), a demon who taught the people how to make weapons of war, plus taught the women face-painting: men for war/women for seduction! God sent Michael to “bind Semyaza and his associates who have untied themselves with women so as to have defiled themselves with them in all their uncleanness” (1 Enoch 10:11-14). [Note: the word “fornicators” (Hebrew “zanah” includes all sex acts, rarely of involuntary ravishment. It means adultery and idolatry, play the whore (male or female). This would include homosexuality and lesbianism: the Greek = “porneia” (which includes adultery, idolatry, incest and homosexuality et al sex sins). Other Greek words for fornication are “porneuo” = “unlawful lust of either sex, practice idolatry;” “porne” = “harlot/whore;” “pornos” = “a male prostitute/fornicator/whore-monger.”]
Jude quoted Enoch (see Jude v.14) about the coming punishment upon the pre-flood peoples for their ungodly deeds! Do you honestly think God is gonna overlook this generations ungodly deeds, especially those of the LGBTQIA camp? God despises sex-sins, be they “queer” or “straight.” While the Bible speaks more about sex with women, we cannot discount the male/male unlawful sexing (fornications).
So, how did the Nephilims survive the Great Devastating Flood? I don’t know.
There was “vanity of insanity” in the pre-flood life: there was “VI” shortly after the flood when Noah made wine, drank, got drunk, and it is debated what happened after this (see Genesis 11:20-24 – was Noah sodomized by his son Ham?): VI continued on until God destroyed Sodom, Gomorrah (Genesis 18:20) and other wicked cities. The overthrow of the cities is referred to as an outstanding instance of God’s judgment – “Operation Devastation.” (See Deuteronomy 29:23 where Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah and Zeboiim is mentioned); Zephaniah 2:9 mentions S/G as does Isaiah 1:9,10; 13:19; Jeremiah 49:18; 50:40; Amos 4:11; Hosea 11:8 mentions Admah and Zeboiim; Genesis 14:8 mentions A/Z and Bela (Zoar) which was one of the 5 plain cities that was spared, Genesis 19:22-23.
After the destruction of those sex-crazed cities, Lot and his daughters had sexual relations (Genesis 19:31-38). Out of this sexual encounter came forth the Moabites and Ammonites = of incestuous birth. (Leviticus 18 denounces incest as well as homosexuality as well as other sex sins).
And, so, here we are in 2024. The nation of America has become an “Abomination Nation” where the most gross sex-sins flourish, even praised!
Sex perverts like Alfred Kinsey, who is known in the U.S. as the father of the “sexual revolution” (the root that produced the tree of the “60’s Revolution.”) Since his INSANE “scientific” research which was morally defunk, faulty methodology, flawed data, and sexual “experiments” criminally imposed on adults, adolescents, children, even infants – his vain and screwed view of sex continues to impact our nation today. This man was a crazed sex pervert! He followed several of the 45 goals of communism (to destroy America – see my articles on “Communism”): goals 17, 20, 25, and 26. #26 states, “Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as ‘normal, natural, and healthy!’” This goal is now in FULL OPERATION across the Amerika, being pushed to the extreme by the Biden/Harris (criminal) regime. His sick books changed the way people thought about sex – in a negative way. By negative I mean they grew more liberal/progressive against God’s Word and against the traditional morality that America grew up with. This sick pervert once was a Methodist (born in 1894).
Consequently the spiritual/moral/physical health of our society has suffered – sex related diseases, mental health breakdowns, family breakdown, anti-Christian bigotry, the redefining of marriage, family, and now gender (trans BS!).
America has become a nation of perverts, pedos, prostitutes, and prison pop. Sex ed is taught (explicitly) from pre-school age to college. More and more “christian” churches are joining the woke sickness.
Well, I’ve done my homework over the years. We’ve cried out against all this perversion/corruption since we became believers (1971). Don’t you think it is time for you to join the ranks of God’s “Warriors of Righteousness?”