By: Gen. Jim – 9/16/24

The subject of the Anti-Christ has intrigued both Christians and non-Christians for centuries. We can go back as far as Daniel and go forward as far as Revelation to read about this “thing” called “Anti-Christ.”
“He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, shall persecute the saints of the Most High, and shall intend to change times and low. Then the saints shall be given into his hand for a time and time and half a time” (Daniel 7:25, NKJV). [See Revelations 13:1-6; Daniel 2:21; Revelations 13:7; Revelations 18:24; Revelations 12:14].
In this study I will quote from the early Christians or early church. By this I mean the pre-Nicene Christians and the pre-Nicene church. There are dozens of Ante-Nicene fathers who have written on topics found in the Bible. Some were professional theologians/Bible scholars schooled in Hebrew/Greek et al. They refuted heretics as well as countered others who had different opinions/revelations etc. As today there were theological bias/disagreements and proof texts were used as “weapons” if needed, to bolster their particular view points. I’m not siding with any one of these Christian authors, I’m merely quoting from their writing on the Anti-Christ.
Let Us Begin
“Sermones quasi Deus loquetur;” “He shall speak as if he were God.” So St. Jerome quotes from Symmachus. Some believed the Anti-Christ (AC) was the pope of Rome, back centuries ago as well as today. They have assumed infallibility, which belongs to God ONLY, not man, not any Roman Catholic. They profess to forgive sins, which only God can do. They claim they can open/shut heaven, which belongs to God only. The list can go on.
[Note: Jerome, b.34, d.420, was a Catholic monk and church scholar (not a church father). He was the author of the RCC Vulgate Bible.].
Besides Gnostic teachings (pagan), the early Christians had to deal with the Roman Catholics, who were/are hostile to Protestants. [note: there are a number of post-Nicene authors which I will not cite: Apostolic Constitutions, compiled at the end of the 4th century, a half century or more after Nicaea. It should be noted that the editor of the AC tried to include the Constitutions in the N.T. canon (ANF 7:505). The bulk of the Constitution is pre-Nicene in origin though.
In this article I will quote from Lactantius (b.250, d.325), Victorinus (b.?, d.304), Cyprian (b.?, d.258), Origen (b.185, d.255), Commodianus (I don’t have his date of birth or death, but the date in which he wrote on the Anti-Christ was a.d. 240), Tertullian (b.160, d.230), Hippolytus (b.170, d.236); he will be quoted more than the rest. He was a leading presbyterian at Rome near the beginning of the 3rd century. He opposed and attacked Rome’s theology (promoted by Callistus and Zephyrinus). He converted to Christianity in belief, wrote the “Refutation of ALL Heresies”, wrote extensive commentaries on Daniel/Song of Songs, “I died a martyr!”), Irenaeus (b.130, d.200), and Justin Martyr (b.100, d.165).
More Scriptures
“That day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God” (2 Thessalonians 2:3,4).
“Little children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that the anti-Christ is coming, even now many anti-Christs have come” (1 John 2:18).
“They worshiped the beast, saying ‘who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?’ And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and he was given authority to continue for forty-two months. Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, His tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven. And it was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation” (Revelations 13:4-7).
There you have it! A nasty profile of this man – beast – thing! According to Daniel 7:25 – “a time and times a half a time” – in prophetic language a “time” signifies a “year;” and 3 years and a half (a day standing for a year (as in Daniel 9:24) will amount to 1,000, 200 and 60 years, if we reckon 30 days to each month, as the Jews do (as quoted by Professor Adam Clarke in his vol. 4, “A Commentary and Critical Notes on the Holy Bible”). There are dozens and dozens of books et al. written on the Book of Daniel/Anti-Christ. I’m not giving my opinion, for I’m not a Bible scholar. But Adam Clarke and dozens of other scholars believe the AC to be the or a pope. However, I do believe Roman Catholicism is NOT a genuine Christian religion (see my articles on Roman Catholicism – posted).
What Daniel wrote about, “And he shall wear out the saints of the most High” (v.25) indeed came to pass. The persecution, prosecution, imprisonments and deaths of untold protestants in history.
No End To It!
No one knows how many writings have come forth on this issue of the Anti-Christ. One can go to the internet and find various writings/sermons/debates relating to the present – “He is here NOW!!” – and to the future – “He is about to appear!” Citing various proof-texts.
“The day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God” (2 Thessalonians 2:3,4).
The “falling away” (orig. Greek word, “άποστασία”), meaning “apostasy.” This word could mean a failing to keep essential principles of the Christian faith or total abandonment of it etc. The “man of sin,” aka anti-Christ, will be a perverse, obstinate and iniquitous person (presently we could name not a few world leaders). Some rabbis called him the devil, the man of Belial, the man of iniquity et al.
Son of perdition = the son of destruction; the same epithet that is given to Judas Iscariot (John 17:12). Isaiah called the ancient Jews “Children who are corrupters!” (NKJV); other versions have “children of perdition!” (1:4). Just read the rest of 2 Thessalonians 2:5-10. “The man of sin, whose coming is after the working of satan, with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish…” (v.9, 10).
These vss. have been the object of endless speculations and discussions, many differing schools of interpretations and opinions.
Has this happened in the sense that a universal “apostasy” (άποστασία) has taken place? This term, with variation spelling, was used in classical Gk. of a political revolt; and it has been suggested that the writer in this passage might be thinking of the revolt of the Jews from Rome. (I beleive the idea of a religious “falling away” is more likely). The word is used in the Gk. O.T./LXX (Joshua 22:22; 2 Chronicles 22:19; 33:19; Jeremiah 2:19) always in that sense. It is also used in 1 Macc. 2:15, where the agents of the king, Antiochus Epiphanes, are seeking to force the Jews to Hellenize. So, the idea of a great religious defection is characteristic of Jewish eschatology (note 2 Esdras 5:1-13).
Hebrew Idioms
“The man of lawlessness” is the very embodiment of this EVIL (see John 8:44) = the devil = a LIAR!) The “son of perdition” is a Hebrew idiom and is concerned with the ultimate DOOM of this LAWLESS ONE! (this same term is used of Judas, John 17:12).
Some in the past, even now, believe communism will be the universal religion, replacing Christianity and all other religions. This was big back in the 1970s and 1980s. As stated, most believed the Roman Catholic church would be the religion that human kind would be forced to bow down to.
Whatever, whoever Paul was writing about was the personifications of all wickedness. He is not satan (see 2 Thessalonians 2:9). We can see why that there have been so many zealots and theorists etc over the centuries – all ready to face the Antichrist.
1 John 2:18 tells us that “… you have heard that the anti-Christ is coming even now many anti-Christs have come…” (see also 1 John 2:22; 4:3,7 – all these texts have one Gk. Word – “antichristos,” meaning “an opponent of the Messiah.” The word “anti” (a prim particle) means “opposite, i.e. instead or because of” (rarely in addition to). Often used in composition to denote contrast, requital, substitution, correspondence, etc.
Back in the day “the mystery of lawlessness,” the Roman Empire was believed; “the man of lawlessness” was believed to be a Roman emperor over against the two are the “restraining power” and the “restrainer,” which are not so readily identified. One could get lost in the theological maze.
Church Fathers
Justin Martyr:
“He shall come from heaven with glory, when the man of apostasy, who speaks strange things against the Most High, will venture to do unlawful deeds on the earth against us Christians” (160 a.d., 1:253, 254).
“But that king… will also be a prophet of lies He will constitute and call himself God. And he will order himself to be worshiped as the Son of God.
And power will be given him to do signs and wonders, the sight of which will entice men to worship him… Then he will attempt to destroy the temple of God and persecute the righteous people. And there will be distress and tribulation, such as there never has been from the beginning of the world. All those who believe him and unite themselves to him will be marked by him as sheep. But those who refuse his mark will either flee to the mountains, or, being seized, will be slain with deliberate tortures… Power will be given him to desolate the whole earth for 42 months…
When these things happen, then the righteous and the followers of truth will separate themselves from the wicked and flee into solitary places. And when he hears of this, the unholy king, inflamed with anger, will come with a great army, and bringing up all his forces will surround all the mountains in which the righteous are situated, so that he may seize them. But they… will call upon God with a loud voice… And God will hear them and send from heaven a great king to rescue and free them.
And He will destroy all the wicked with fire and sword…
Christ will descend with a company of angels to the middle of the earth. And the power of the angels will deliver into the hands of the just that multitude that has surrounded the mountain… After all his forces have been destroyed, the wicked one will escape alone. His power will perish with him. Now, this is the one who is called the Anti-Christ. However, he will falsely call himself Christ and will fight against the truth.” (Written between 304-313 a.d., 5:204 -5:219; 4:593 – 4:595).
“By this name (666), we understand the Anti-Christ. Although he is to eat off from the divine light and deprived of it, he nevertheless transforms himself into an angel of light, daring to call himself light.” (a.d. 280, 7:356).
Victorinus continues:
“And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God. He speaks of Elijah the prophet, who is the precursor of the times of the Anti-Christ – for the restoration and establishment of the churches from the great and intolerable persecution.” (a.d. 280, 7:352)
“By means of the events that will occur in the time of the Anti-Christ, it is shown that he, being an apostate and a robber, is anxious to be worshiped as God… For he is endowed with all of the power of the devil. He will come – not as a righteous king, nor as a legitimate king in subjection to God – but as an unholy, unjust, and lawless one… He will set aside idols to persuade men that he himself is God… Daniel, foresaw the end of the last kingdom (of the 10 last kings), among whom the kingdom of those men will be partitioned and upon whom the son of perdition will come.” (a.d. 180, 1:553).
He continues:
“When he comes, he will reign over the earth for 3 years and 6 months.” (1:554). He continues with: “Jeremiah does not merely point out the Anti-Christ’s sudden coming, but he even indicates the tribe from which he will come, when he says, ‘We will hear the voice of his swift horses from Dan.’” (1:559).
I don’t know how Jeremiah sees Antichrist (with capital “A”) in 8:16. Verse 15 speaks of “peace, but no good came; and for a time of health, and behold trouble!” Verse 16 says, “the whole land trembled at the sound fo the neighing of his strong ones…” Others see the united neighing of the Calvary of the Babylonians the reverberation of the air caused the ground to tremble.
Irenaeus finished:
“Once this Anti-christ has devastated everything in this world, he will reign for 3 years and 6 months, and sit in the temple at Jerusalem. And then the Lord will come from heaven in the clouds.” (1:560).
Hippolytus wrote a lot about the Antichrist, so here we go:
“The deceiver seeks to liken himself in all things to the Son of God… Christ is a King, so the Antichrist is also a king. The Savior appeared as a lamb. So he, too, in like manner, will appear a lamb, though within he is a wolf. The Savior came into the world in the circumcision, and the Antichrist will come in the same manner. The Lord sent apostles among all the nations, and he in like manner will send false apostles. The savior gathered together the sheep that were scattered abroad. And he, in like manner, will bring together a people who are scattered abroad… The Savior raised up and showed His holy flesh like a temple, and he will raise a temple of stone in Jerusalem.” (200 a.d., 5:206);
“He says, ‘Dan is a lion’s sheep’ (Deuteronomy 33:22). And the naming the tribe of Dan, he clearly declared the tribe from which the Antichrist is destined to spring. Just as Christ comes from the tribe of Judah, so the Antichrist is to come from the tribe of Dan.” (5:207);
“By the beast, then, coming up out of the earth, he means the kingdom of the Antichrist. And by the 2 horns, he means him and the false prophet after him… He will act with vigor again and prove strong by reason of the laws established by him. And he will cause all those who will not worship the image of the beast to be put to death… Being full of guile and exalting himself against the servants of God, he desires to afflict them and persecute them out of the world, for they do not give glory to him. He will order censors to be set up by everyone, everywhere, so that none of the saints may be able to buy or sell without first sacrificing. For this is what is meant by the work received upon the right hand. And the phrase, ‘on their forehead,’ indicates that all are crowned and put on a crown of fire – of death, not of life.” (5:214).
The “mark” Hippolytus speaks of is found in Revelations 13:16, 17; 14:9 et al. The word “mark” is found 7 times in Revelations [“Mark” – Greek, “χάραγμα” / “charagma” = “a scratch or etching, i.e. stamp (as a badge of servitude), or sculptered figure.”]. We today would call this a tattoo. Tons of articles have been written about the “mark,” sermons preached! The same goes for the “Beast” – all relating to the “End.” Back in the day both militant Islam and Roman Catholicism were believed to be the BAD BADS. Later communism was believed to be the BAD BAD. I’ve looked over numerous author’s writings on all this – WOW!!! I will quote just one author/Bible scholar in reference to the “mark:”
“The reception of the mark… all so receiving it devote the whole powers of their mind and body to the propagation of the Latin worship, and to the eradication of all the denominate heresies out of their church… the mark on the forehead meant the public profession of whatever is inscribed or marked upon it… evident to all that they form a part of the Latin church…”
If one reads Kenneth Scott Latourette’s “A History of Christianity,” volumes 1 and 2, one will be taken on an unforgettable historical trip. These two books (vol. 1 = 724 pages; Vol. 2 = 1,552 pages) are virtually encyclopedias. One could pick any era of time and decide that it was speaking of the Antichrist, the END of time.
Hippolytus continued:
“Let us look also at his actions. He will call together all the people to himself, out of every country of the Dispersion, making them his own, as though they were his own children. He will promise to restore their country and reestablish their kingdom and nation, in order that he may be worshiped by them as God.” (Written a.d. 200, 5:215).
He continues:
‘“After 62 weeks, the times will be fulfilled, and for one week he will make a covenant with many. And in the midst of the week, sacrifice and oblation will be removed’… for when the 62 weeks are fulfilled, and Christ has come, and the Gospel has been preached in every place, the times will then be accomplished. Then, there will remain only one week – the last – in which Elijah and Enoch will appear. And in the middle of it, the abomination of desolation will be manifested. This is the Antichrist, announcing desloution to the world. And when he comes, the sacrifice and oblation will be removed, which now are offered to God in every place by the nations.” (5.182).
He continues:
“The prophet sets forth these things concerning the Antichrist, who will be shameless, a warmonger, and a despot. Exulting himself above all kings and above every god, he will build the city of Jerusalem and restore the sanctuary.” (5:184).
Finishing up with this, Hippolytus wrote: “For a time, times, and a half.” By this, he indicated the 3 and ½ years of the Antichrist. (5:190).
Cyprian had this to say:
“Even the Antichrist, when he begins to come, will not be allowed to enter into the church just because he threatens. We will not yield to his arms and violence, even though he declares that he will destroy us if we resist… They [i.e., the schismatics] endeavor to imitate the coming of the Antichrist, who is now approaching.” (a.d. 250, 5:346).
He continues:
“Beloved brethren, let none of you be so terrified by the fear of future persecution or the coming of the threatening Antichrist, so as not to be found armed for all things by the evangelical exhortations and precepts, as well as by the heavenly warnings. The Antichrist is coming. Yet, above him, comes Christ also.” (5:349).
Cyprian finishes with,
“The Antichrist will come as a man, Isaiah says, ‘This is the man who arouses the earth, who disturbs kings, who makes the whole earth a desert.’” (See Isaiah 14:16 – 5:556).
“After the destruction of the Antichrist, there will be speedily transacted the great process of the resurrection.” (a.d. 210, 3:565).
“He himself will divide the globe into three ruling powers, when Nero will be raised up from Hades. Elijah will first come to seal the beloved ones. At these things, the region of Africa and the northern nation, the whole earth on all sides, will tremble for 7 years. But Elijah will occupy the half of the time; and Nero will occupy the other half. Then the embers of the whore of Babylon, being reduced to ashes, will advance to Jerusalem. And the Latin conqueror will then say, ‘I am Christ, whom you always pray to’… He does many wonders, since the false prophet is his that they may believe him, his image will speak. The Almighty has given it power to appear as such. The Jews, recapitulating Scriptures from him, exclaim at the same time to the highest that they have been deceived.” (a.d. 240, 4:211).
Commodianus believed Nero to be the A.C.! My mom, who read the Scriptures dozens and dozens of times (whole Bible), always told me (in no certain terms) that Hitler is the Antichrist. I understand why she said this (too many times to count!). Her parents were from Germany, the very Germany where Jews were persecuted/prosecuted/imprisoned, and put to DEATH! I was raised being told about the terrors of “Hitlerism.” But Commodianus, in his day, believed it was Nero. Let me present to you now what was written about this bloody terrorist.
Nero (a.d. 37-68) was the first Roman emperor to persecute Christians. Peter and Paul were martyred during his bloody reign of power. (He was emperor from a.d. 54-68).
Lactantius (b.250, d.325) was a prominent Roman teacher of rhetoric who converted to Christianity. It is said that in his old age, he was summoned by Emperor Constantine to Gaul to tutor the emperor’s son, Crispus [for more good info on Constantine see Latourette’s “A History of Christianity.” Vol. 1, pp. 91-93, we read Constantine’s conversion to the Christian faith (a.d. 312), Nero was a crazed person (like Hitler et al) who put many Christians to death. He was notoriously cruel and depraved.
Clement of Alexandria (b. 150, d.215, his largest extant work, “Miscellanies”) said that “The teachings of the apostles, encompassing the ministry of Paul ended with Nero.” (a.d. 195, 2:555).
Tertullain (b.160, d.230) wrote the 3 following quotes:
1). “Nero was the first who attacked the Christian sect with the imperial sword.” (a.d. 195, 3:22);
2). “Under Nero, Christianity was ruthlessly condemned. You may weigh its worth and nature even from the character of its persecutor. If that ruler was a godly man, then the Christians are ungodly… If he was not a public enemy, we are enemies of our country… Now, although every other practice that existed under Nero has been destroyed, yet this of ours has firmly remained.” (a.d. 197, 3:114);
3). “At Rome, Nero was the first [Emperor] who stained the rising faith with blood.” (a.d. 213, 3:648).
Lactantius wrote a lengthy article in a.d. 320:
“When Nero reigned, the apostle Peter came to Rome.. and, by turning many to the true religion, he built up a faithful and steadfast temple unto the Lord. When Nero heard of those things, and observed that, not only in Rome, but in every other place, a great multitude turned daily from the worship of idols,… he sprang forward to decimate the heavenly temple and to destroy the true faith. For he was an abominable and evil tyrant. It was he who first persecuted the servants of God. He crucified Peter and slew Paul. Yet, he did not escape with impunity. For God looked on the affliction of His people. Therefore, this tyrant, bereaved of authority and thrown headlong from the height of empire, suddenly disappeared. Even the burial place of that noxious wild beast was nowhere to be seen. This has led some persons of extravagant imagination to suppose that – having been transported to a distant region – he is still revived alive.”
My mom always told me that Hitler was not dead – that he will arise as the Antichrist.
Note some of the names Lactantius uses in reference to Nero: abominable, evil tyrant, noxious wild beast!
He continues:
“To him, they apply the Sibylline verse (oracular mss consulted regularly by the ancient Romans and thought to have been written by the sibyl of Cumae. – Sibyl = a feminine name/sibylline prophetic; any of certain women consulted as prophetesses by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Cumae was an ancient Greek city in Campania, SW Italy, near Naples: thought to have been the first Greek colony in Italy, founded 9th or 8th century B.C.). Concerning ‘the fugitive, who slew his own mother, who is to come from the uttermost boundaries of the earth.’ They believe that he who was the first persecutor should also be the last persecutor.
They also believe that he will prove to be the forerunner of the Antichrist. But we should not believe those persons… who imagine that Nero is to appear hereafter as the forerunner of the devil, when he will come to lay waste on the earth and overthrow mankind.” (a.d. 320, 9:302)
Victorinus (d.304 a.d.) wrote commentaries on several books of the Bible.
He wrote: “And the beast that you saw is of the seven.” Nero reigned before those kings… Now [in saying] that on the heads was, as it were, slain to death… he speaks of Nero.” (280 a.d., 7:358).
Origen (b.185, d.255 a.d.) wrote this:
“Celsus [the pagan critic] rejects the statements concerning the Antichrist. That is because he has not read what is said of him in the Book of Daniel, nor in the writings of Paul, nor what the Savior has predicted in the Gospels about his coming… Paul states that following… ‘so that he sits in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.’ This same fact is referred to in Daniel in the following manner: ‘And on the temple will be the abomination of desolations. And at the end of the time, an end will be put to the desolation.’” (a.d. 248, 4:593)
Part II
We cannot write about the Antichrist without mentioning the number 666! Oh, this number has put fear into men’s minds for centuries; it has been discussed, debated, written about, preached about and regurgitated… sparking more discussions, debates, writings and preachings. So, hold on – here we go into “666 land.”
Revelations 13:16-18
“… Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the numer of the beast, for it is the numer of a man: His number is 666.”
One can pick and choose his/her Bible scholar/expert/theologian, ancient or contemporary to see what they had/have to say. I’ve gone thru numerous men’s/women’s writings. Some I don’t agree with; some I do. But who am I to know what 666 actually means or meant to mean? In the end, my opinion won’t really matter.
One scholar/author writes:
“In both the Greek and Roman systems of letters/numbers, there were no special characters (such as 1, 2 or 3) for numbers. Rather, letters of the alphabet served also as numbers. For example, in the Romans system, “I” represented a character of the alphabet; yet, it also represented the number one. Similarly, “V” was both a letter and also the number 5. Accordingly, every person’s name had a numerical equivalent. It was in the sense, then, that the early Christians understood the passage of Revelation that speaks of the ‘number of [the beast’s] name.’” (D.W. Bercot, “Mark of the Beast,” 1998).
Historian, author, and theologian Philip Schaff wrote “History of the Christian Church”, Volumes 1-8: Vol. 1 published in 1858; Vol. 8 published in 1892. On pp. 841-853 of Vol. 1, (under notes); “The Number 666,” He states with:
“The historical understanding of the Apocalypse turns, according to its own statement, chiefly on the solution of the numerical riddle in the 13th chapter, which has tried the wits of commentators from the time of Irenaeus in the second century to the present day, and is still under dispute.”
Schaff cites Revelation 13:18 where we find the number 666, the number of a man. I’m sure you’ve read where this number spelled many people’s names like Bill Clinton, Hitler and dozens of others.
What I like about this man’s work is his use of Greek (saves me time looking up certain words in my concordance). Since he brings up Irenaeus (b.130, d.200 a.d.), who was Bishop of the Ekklesia at Lyons (France), I will cite some of Irenaeus’ quotes from his works.
Schaff points out that “The number of a man” may mean either the number of an individual, or of a corporate person, or a human number (Menschenzahl), i.e. a number according to ordinary human reckoning (he cites Bleek, who compares “the measure of a man,” (see Revelations 21:17 where we find this; see also Isaiah 8:1).
Schaff has plenty to say/explain about the mystic use of numbers (the rabbinical Gematria), he cites the Cabbala and the Syibylline Books, the Epistle of Barnabas, the Gnostic sects (e.g., the Abrasax or Abraxas et al). He goes into detail about the Greek/Hebrew alphabet. He cites other scholars who have written on numbers. He says that the numerical value of the name “Jesus” is 888 (3 eights), and exceeds the trinity of the sacred number (777). [Note: The name “Antichrist” never occurs in Revelations, only in the Epistles of John (5 times), and there in the plural. Paul designates the Antichrist (AC) as “the man of sin,” “the son of perdition” (2 Thessalonians 2:3,4].
Schaff says that the mystic number of the beast may be reduced to 3 classes;
1). The #666 represent the letters of a historical power, or of a single man, in conflict with Christ. He lists the names of Latinus, Caesar Augustus, Nero, and other Roman emperors down to Diocletian. He goes on to list non-emperors such as Huther, Napoleon, Duke of Reichstadt et al. If he were writing today he certainly would list Hitler, Stalin, and some U.S. politicians, even George Sorors. We know for sure he would list the Clintons, Obamas, Bidens, Harris, and Waltz’s as “Antichrists!!!”
2). The #666 is chronological, and designates the duration of the life of the beast, whether it be heathenism, or mohammedianism (Mohammed could be listed as the Antichrist in his day, many of the popes as well);
3). The #666 is symbolical of Antichrist and the anti-Christian power. On pp. 844, 845, 846, 847, 848, Schaff lists some of the Roman Empire who were believed to be the AC. Then he writes about the duration of the AC, pp. 848-850; pp. 850-853 he writes about the Mystical and Symbolical interpretations, ending with his conclusion:
“Many more wonders of exegetical ability and historical learning will yet be performed before the mysteries of Revelation are solved, if they even will be solved before the final fulfillment.”
Allow me to quote from his works on the mark of the beast:
“Let no one imagine that the Antichrist performs these wonders by divine power. Rather, he does it by the working of magic. And we must not be surprised that he performs wonders through demonic means. For the demons and apostate spirits are at his service. By these wonders, he leads the inhabitants of the earth astray… And the number is 666. that is six times a hundred, six times ten, and 6 units. This represents a summing up of the whole of that apostasy that has taken place during 6,000 years.” (a.d. 180, 1:557);
“Fittingly, therefore, will his name possess the number 666. For he sums up in his own person all the mixture of wickedness that took place previous to the deluge, due to the apostasy of the angels. For Noah was 600 years old when the deluge came upon the earth… Thus, then, the 600 years of Noah… prefigure the number of the name of that an in whom concentrated the whole apostasy of 6,000 years.” (a.d. 180, 1:558);
“This number is found in all the most approved and ancient copies [of Revelations]. Furthermore, those men who saw John face to face give their testimony to it. Reason also leads us to conclude that the number of the name of the beast, according to the Greek mode of calculation by the letters contained in it, will amount to six hundred and sixty and six.” (a.d. 180, 1:558);
Irenaeus concludes with:
“If there are many names found possessing this number (666), it will be asked which of them will the coming man bear. I do not say this because of a lack of names that contain the number of that name. Rather, I say it out of fear of God and zeal for the truth. For the name ‘Evanthas’ contains the required number, but I make no allegation regarding it. Then also ‘Lateninos’ has the number… ‘Teitan,’ too, … is rather worthy of credit. For it has in itself the predicted number… However, I will not incur the risk of dogmatically announcing the name of the Antichrist. For if it were necessary revealed in this present time, it would have been announced by him who beheld the apocalyptic vision.” (a.d. 180, 1:559)
Irenaeus mentions Lateinos (λατείνος, Latninus), i.e. the Latin or Roman empire. This is the numerical value of 666 in Greek: (λατείνος)= total 666. The Greek form (λατείνος) is no valid objection; for (ει) often represents the Latin long I, as in (λντονείος).
Great men like Polycarp, Hippolytus, Bellarmin, Eichhorn, Bleek, Dewettle, Ebrard, Diisterdieck, Alford, Wordworth, Lee, et al wrote about Latinus, the name of a king of Latinum, not of any Roman emperor. Hence it must taken in a generic sense, I applied to the whole heathen Roman empire.
Josephus wrote about the “beast” (Ant. X. 10). There is just too much info to write about. But most believed Nero was the AC back in the day. Today we could believe that AC/Beast is the “New World Order.” Here in the U.S. we could believe it t be the “Deep State.” For sure ALL are Antichrist!
Scholars pretty much agree that the language of the Apocalypse is a Greek rather than a Hebrew explanation of the numerical riddle.
The question is asked, “Has the AC already appeared or is he yet to come?” In our generation there is still much hype over the “Jew” / “Jerusalem” issue – the AC is yet to appear; the world is yet to go under the AC rule. The push to rebuild the 3rd Jewish temple is very much alive. Many believe the current Islam vs. Jew war is going to show the world that the AC has not appeared… but will soon appear – the END of the world is about to happen – so it is predicted.
Mark of the Beast continued…
“[The Antichrist] will order census to be set up by everyone, everywhere, so that no one among the saints may be able to buy or sell without first sacrificing. For this is what is meant by the mark received upon the right hand. And the phrase, ‘on their forehead,’ indicates that all are crowned. That is, they put on a crown of fire. This is a crown of death, not of life.” (a.d. 200, 5:214, Hippolytus)
He continues:
“With respect to his name, it is not in our power to explain it exactly – not as the blessed John understood it and was instructed about it. Rather, we can only conjecture about it. For when [the AC] appears, the blessed one will show us what we seek to know. Yet, as far as our doubtful apprehension of the matter goes, we may speak. Indeed, we find many names for which the letters equate to this number. For example, there is the name Teitan, an ancient and notable name, or Evanthar, for it too makes up the same number. And many others can be found… It is evident to everyone that those who at present time hold power are the Latinos. If, then, we take the name as the name of a single man, it becomes ‘Latinus.’ However, we should neither give it out as if this were certainly his name, nor again should we ignore the fact that he many not be otherwise designated. But having the mystery of God in our heart, we should in fear keep faithfully what has been told by the blessed prophets. That way, when those things come to pass, we may be prepared for them and not deceived.” (a.d. 200, 5:215)
One more early church father remarks on the “mark of the beast:”
Victorinus wrote,
“As they have figured from the Greek characters, they thus find it among many to be Teitan. For Teitan has this number, which the Gentiles call Sol and Phoebus. And it is figured in Greek in this manner: t, 300, e,5; I,10; t,300; a,1; n,50. When these are totaled together, they add up to 600 and 66. To the extent it belongs to the Greek letters, they fill up this number and name. If you wish to turn this name into Latin, it is understood by the word ‘Diclux.’ these letters are figured in this manner: D,500; I,1; C,100; L,50; V,5; and X,10. By counting up these letters, it likewise totals 600 and 66.” (a.d. 280, 7:356)
Antichrist – A Jew?
To finish this article, many believe the AC to be a Jew. The Antichrist or the man of sin will set up a carnal Israel in opposition to the true Messiah, and worship the prince of this world in order to gain universal empire (according to certain Bible scholars/theologians; see the article “Revelation” in Johnson’s “Cyclopedia,” (III. 1606 sgg.). According to Ernest Renan, the celebrated Orientalist and member of the French Academy, “Nothing can equal in wickedness the wickedness of Jews: at the same time the best of men have been Jews; you may say of this race whatever good or evil you please, without danger of overstepping the truth.” He goes on to write, “In blasphemy, as well as in adoration, the Jew is the foremost of mankind. He says only an apostate can blaspheme with all his heart. Our Gentile Voltaire’s are but lambs as compared with Jews in reviling Christ and His church. None but Israel could give birth to Judas, none but apostate Israel can give birth to Antichrist. Israel answers precisely to the description of the apocalyptic beast, which was and is not and shall be (Revelations 17:11), which was wounded to death, and is to be miraculously healed, in order to play as the 8th head, the part of Antichrist.” This theologian/scholar wrote about the Life of Christ, and the history of the Beginnings of Christianity to the middle of the 2nd century (1863-1882).
Dr. Godet wrote this as well, along with Dr. Herder and Dr. Heumann. They say that the measure of love of Christ was the measure of his hatred of Antichrist. For hatred is inverted love. Love and hatred are one and the same passion, only revealed in opposite directions (see my articles on “God hates/loves”).
The theology is the same, including the most characteristic features of Christology and Soteriology (see Gebhardt’s “Doctrine of the Apostolic Church,” p.425).
The Greek of the Apocalypse is the most Hebraizing of all the books of the N.T. says Prof. Renan. He claims it is only a Greek body inspired by a Hebrew soul! Some claim that John’s style has nothing Hebrew, nothing Jewish, nothing Talmudic. Prof. Ewald, in his commentary on the Pauline epistles (Gottingen, 1857), stated: “In its true spirit and afflatus, no language can be more genuinely Hebrew that that of John.” Godet agrees with Ewald when he says: “The dress only in Greek, the body is Hebrew.”
Well, time to close. We’ve only scratched the surface on the “Antichrist,” the “Man of Sin.”