By: Gen. Jim — 12/25/18
N.E.D. = No Evidence of Disease.
Jesus told His disciples to “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, and cast out demons” (Matthew 10:6). Demons cause, both sicknesses and diseases, both mentally and physically. I have cast out demons of both S/D and the victims were healed. I’ve seen this many times over the years in the ministry (see also Mark 16:17, 18), “Jesus went throughout all the cities… healing every sickness and every disease…” (Matthew 9:35). Psalms 103:3 tell us that the Lord “… forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases…”
I go thru the Bible and read so many texts relating to healing and sicknesses and diseases (physically); I also read of the healing of spiritual/mental/emotional sicknesses/diseases.
We hear of the “opiate crisis” today. Thousands upon thousands are dying every year because of overdosing and medical malpractices using drugs, while certain drugs are helpful in healing, so many are dangerous, even deadly. Everyone who has a life threatening disease/sickness rejoices when N.E.D. is proclaimed. There are mental/emotional problems that actually cause physical S/D that compounds the problem. Trillions of dollars are spent on the fight against S/D. But many of these drugs/meds have deadly side effects. Millions in the US are on medications, which can be expensive. I’ve known some who were on 12 meds at a time – meds to counteract meds! “Medicine” is a BIG business. Besides from being expensive so many are addictive. It is said that a great percent of Americans are “legal” drug addicts! Pain relief is so sought after – but this can, too often, turn into drug abuse, hence, crisis. There are drugs for prevention and drugs for keeping one alive.
My heart goes out to all those who are sick. Seeing a loved one die by a sickness/disease, even overdose, is disturbing. I have seen many healed by prayer/deliverance and I’ve seen some die, even with P/D. Our all, I believe God holds all souls in His hands. He is the author of life and death. But for sure, America is in a “drug abuse” mentality. We love the N.E.D. proclamation but so little win the battle against life threatening S/D.